Thursday, October 2, 2008

A White Teacher Has Issues With A Black Man Name Barack Promoting C-H-A-N-G-E

Greg Howard Flunks The Race Test

The Jackson County School Board has taken action against a teacher who apparently made racial commentary on presidential candidate Barack Obama.

According to parents and students in Greg Howard’s seventh-grade social studies class, Howard on Friday, Sept. 26 asked the class a question regarding Obama’s call for change, and proceeded to write out what the letters C-H-A-N-G-E stood for.

“She told me that he wrote on the board ‘Can You Help A (expletive) Get Elected, and then laughed about it,” said Shelia Christian, a mother of one of Howard’s students.

Jackson County Superintendent Danny Sims said that description of this incident was “pretty accurate.” Sims said Howard apparently repeated the action in more than one class, having made the comment in “a couple of periods.” According to a news release from the school board, Howard was suspended with pay on Monday, Sept. 29.
