Saturday, March 15, 2008

Content Black Woman Tells: WHY I LOVE KEITH OBERMAN

When I started my blog almost a year ago to the day, my objective was to attempt to provide an understanding of a perspective of a Black person in America with the same shared values for hard work and the desire for a fair shake to get ahead.

Many of my friends and colleagues would share our frustration with one another because seemingly white people just couldn't seem to understand where we were coming from... But tonight, not only did Keith Olbermann demonstrate that he got it, the comments and blogs by white bloggers show that a whole bunch of other white people get it. I'm almost speechless. I am almost at the point of tears - tears of joy.

I want to get along. I want fairness for all. However, with that having been denied to people of color for so long, I wasn't ever really sure if that would be allowed to exist except for some rare exceptions like Oprah and Colin Powell.

Read the rest of this story and SEE THE VIDEO at WHY BLACK WOMEN ARE ANGRY.