Friday, March 21, 2008

3 Secret Snoopers Caught Checking Out Obama's Passport File

What were they looking for?
Who paid them to take a look?
Who will ask them these hard questions?
Will we believe the answers?

In a story reminiscent of former FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover and the secret files he kept on Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X, Bobby and the President John Kennedy; "contractors" for the U.S. State department have been caught illegally searching the passport files of Democratic Nominee hopeful Barack Obama.

The U.S. State Department says it has dismissed two workers and disciplined a third for examining Senator Barack Obama's passport files without permission.

A spokesman for Obama's Democratic presidential campaign, Bill Burton, says the incident was an "outrageous breach of security and privacy" and is demanding the release of further details.

State Department officials say the three people involved were contract workers who misused their ability to access confidential computer files containing passport details.

An automatic system that records any attempt to access the files of prominent Americans, such as Obama, reported three intrusions this year, beginning on January 9. Officials say action was taken against the three workers involved when they could not explain their actions.

The State Department spokesman, Sean McCormack, says there is no indication that there was any political motivation behind the snooping incidents.
Sure like we believe this. Obama, you and your people need to demand satisfaction. Don't let this story just go away. Check out Voice of America for more of this story