Monday, March 24, 2008

New York's Cocaine Smoking Governor David Paterson Nominates A Black Man As State's New Police Superintendent

First HNIC Gets Busy Trying To Avoid His Own Drama

Governor Paterson announced today that he is nominating Harry Corbitt to be the superintendent of New York state police, replacing Preston Felton.

Corbitt, who retired as a colonel from the state police in 2004, is a former deputy superintendent of internal affairs for the agency. During a 26-year career that began in New York state's west-central region, he also held command positions with with the Thruway detail.

Corbitt's selection must be confirmed by the state Senate.

Meanwhile, a hotel sex scandal is brewing for Paterson that is definitely not a good look for the brotha. Today, the gov's latest confession is he smoked cocaine and weed back in the day.

We here at 3BAAS really like this guy, as do 58% of recently polled New Yorkers. But 13 overnight stays and you're only 20 minutes from home. Ah... we're just a tad bit concerned. Details.