When I read all the recent articles on enhancing a woman's sexual desire I'm really confused about the medicine cabinet of cures. The one thing all the surveys do agree... is that men's Viagra will increase my orgasms and well, that's a good start.
It doesn't cure the big problem need, that being need, want, desire; just getting me interested in having sex in the first place. Sexually dysfunctional women in the United States are, well, mostly out of luck.
Unlike men, there are no approved drugs to take. If you go strictly by the rules, the best medical science has to offer is counseling, or a device that applies suction to your clitoris, or physical therapy for your vagina. While not to diminish these choices, where's that convenient, little blue pill for women?
That's what Joanne wanted to know. This isn't her real name, but she's a 26-year-old nurse at the Cleveland Clinic who felt no sex drive -- nothing, nada, zilch -- for eight years. She wasn't happy, and neither was her boyfriend
In the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Viagra was proven helpful for men who suffered from erectile dysfunction associated with the use of antidepressant medications.
In a current study, undertaken at seven research centers, they turned their attention to women. The study included 98 women -- half of whom received Viagra and half who received a placebo -- who were told to take the pills before sexual activity.
Women taking Viagra reported an improved ability to reach orgasm and increased orgasm satisfaction, according to the study authors. (Serena Gordon HealthDay Reporter)
This was the case with Joanne, but Viagra did not get to the core of her sexual dysfunction, that being desire to have sex at all. Read on as we find with Joanne 5 Ways to Get Your Love Life Going. by Elizabeth Cohen