George Foreman who regained the Heavy Weight Championship at age 45. Does that mean the Foreman Grille is the only 'real deal'.

Because the rest of the "Geriatric Giants List", Roger Clemens and his 'cut-up' wife, Sammy Sousa, Barry Bonds, are all over age 40 and all guilty of steroids or growth hormones.
All of us have a knee jerk reaction in these post Balco times when we hear or see with our own eyes any athlete kicking butt, especially if they are past their prime or have had some sort of injury or illness.
This is yet another reason why Tiger Woods is truly "the real deal". Earlier this year he had just recovered from knee surgery. He then steps out to play his first tournament a lot sooner than we all really thought he should. He then has the nerve to choose as his 'coming out' performance, not a little tune-up PGA tournament, no, Tiger chooses golfs 2008 U.S. Open as the first test of his surgery.

After 5 days of intense knee pain, stiff competition and miraculous shots, Tiger rose victorious. In the postscript Tiger is headed to surgery and can't play golf for the rest of the year and for who knows how long. That is what we expect. That is 'the real deal.'
So excuse us Darra as we take a wait-and-see position. We do wish you good luck, because we want to believe and partially because you have one cute little baby.