By Jayar Jackson
Campaigning, shaking people's hands, kissing babies, and making inspirational speeches; all this to appeal to enough voters to get elected into office.
I've wracked my brain trying to figure out why no matter what our beloved politicians say or do, good or bad, once many of us have made up our minds made up on "our guy" there's little anyone can do to shake that support.
We think we see the person on stage that we know and love, but in reality, we don't truly know these guys, mostly because they don't want us to, and neither do we.
American politicians are much like our belovedHollywood celebrities. Sure, many of them are drug addicts or drunks with horrible attitudes when fans happen to meet them, but damn we love that one character they played and the way they delivered that one line from our favorite movie!
They're surrounded by advisors, stylists, speech writers, image consultants, and publicists so much that we see what their crew creates for us. They even ask us in polls what we like and don't like, just so they can mold this perfect image before our very eyes, while we let out ooohs and aaahhs like it's the 4th of July and we weren't expecting that grand finale we see every year.
Let me take a few of our favorite DC celebrities to see which image-driven, red carpet prima Donna, they embody the most.
Recently defeated Democratic primary candidate Hillary Clinton had an image of a tough, hard as nails candidate with the brains of a scholar, but the delicate touch only a woman could provide. Oh, she can go into battle with the fellas, but offered the sensibility and slight vulnerability no man could ever have…unless he's some kind of wuss.
Kind of remind you of Jodie Foster, doesn't it? She went face to face and matched wits with a flipped out, human flesh-snacking Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, but later showed a vulnerable, but still savvy under pressure side of her in Panic Room, battling three brutal home intruders while caring for her diabetic daughter.
Democratic nominee for President, Barack Obama is the candidate for change, as we've all heard and many have fallen in love with.
It doesn't hurt that many women declare that he's not too hard on the eyes, either.
All candidates seem to say the right things, but Obama has a way of making you "feel" the right things as he says them. Supporters and detractors alike admit that he's an amazing orator, picking up friends and admirers like a rockstar on the campaign trail.
Although people love him for this, those very same things make others dislike him, but the plan is to make EVERYONE adore him. This all-around, good looking, smooth talker makes you wonder when Denzel Washington will be stepping up to fill in when Barack has come down with the flu.
Denzel has been the rookie cop that was catapulted to fame and adoration in the movie Ricochet due to his intelligence, quick wit, and mass appeal to anyone that encountered him. As the consummate good guy, an elaborate plot to ruin his career, reputation, and family life didn't happen.
Although it was a lot of work, all he really had to do was talk and smile for everything to be alright.
President Bush is beginning to wrap up his 2nd term as the tough guy that you'd love to have a beer with. Bush appealed to the "regular guy" that loves his country, hates it when others disparage it, and will do anything to make sure things go the way he thinks they should. His biggest defenders and supporters admit he's no Aristotle when telling you exactly what he's thinking or how his elaborate plan will work, but dammit, it's going to work b/c this is the United Freaking States!!!
Nobody can see us or be us!!
This never die attitude is what we see every time Sylvester Stallone takes another role. He mercilessly shot bastards in the head in Rambo, took beatings fight after fight in the Rocky movies, and even embarrassed himself in Stop! Or my Mom Will Shoot, but through all those roles and even more, his growling delivery and speech from the side of his mouth never changed, no matter what the public opinion polls said!
When compassion and funny didn't work he just went back to the well, picked up another huge gun in a new Rambo, 26 years later to shoot a few more bastards and beat a few more asses in Rocky Balboa (part 6), 30 years later. Being a tough guy always helps, even in Washington DC .
Now I'm just wondering when we'll find a candidate with enough nerve to move in with his rich uncle, take on two different kinds of aliens, beat up virtually indestructible robots, survive as the last man on earth, and then be a superhero! Maybe Will Smith should just start campaigning now as governor ofPennsylvania and get it over with.
Campaigning, shaking people's hands, kissing babies, and making inspirational speeches; all this to appeal to enough voters to get elected into office.
I've wracked my brain trying to figure out why no matter what our beloved politicians say or do, good or bad, once many of us have made up our minds made up on "our guy" there's little anyone can do to shake that support.
We think we see the person on stage that we know and love, but in reality, we don't truly know these guys, mostly because they don't want us to, and neither do we.
American politicians are much like our beloved
They're surrounded by advisors, stylists, speech writers, image consultants, and publicists so much that we see what their crew creates for us. They even ask us in polls what we like and don't like, just so they can mold this perfect image before our very eyes, while we let out ooohs and aaahhs like it's the 4th of July and we weren't expecting that grand finale we see every year.
Let me take a few of our favorite DC celebrities to see which image-driven, red carpet prima Donna, they embody the most.
Recently defeated Democratic primary candidate Hillary Clinton had an image of a tough, hard as nails candidate with the brains of a scholar, but the delicate touch only a woman could provide. Oh, she can go into battle with the fellas, but offered the sensibility and slight vulnerability no man could ever have…unless he's some kind of wuss.
Democratic nominee for President, Barack Obama is the candidate for change, as we've all heard and many have fallen in love with.
It doesn't hurt that many women declare that he's not too hard on the eyes, either.
All candidates seem to say the right things, but Obama has a way of making you "feel" the right things as he says them. Supporters and detractors alike admit that he's an amazing orator, picking up friends and admirers like a rockstar on the campaign trail.
Denzel has been the rookie cop that was catapulted to fame and adoration in the movie Ricochet due to his intelligence, quick wit, and mass appeal to anyone that encountered him. As the consummate good guy, an elaborate plot to ruin his career, reputation, and family life didn't happen.
Although it was a lot of work, all he really had to do was talk and smile for everything to be alright.
President Bush is beginning to wrap up his 2nd term as the tough guy that you'd love to have a beer with. Bush appealed to the "regular guy" that loves his country, hates it when others disparage it, and will do anything to make sure things go the way he thinks they should. His biggest defenders and supporters admit he's no Aristotle when telling you exactly what he's thinking or how his elaborate plan will work, but dammit, it's going to work b/c this is the United Freaking States!!!
Nobody can see us or be us!!
This never die attitude is what we see every time Sylvester Stallone takes another role. He mercilessly shot bastards in the head in Rambo, took beatings fight after fight in the Rocky movies, and even embarrassed himself in Stop! Or my Mom Will Shoot, but through all those roles and even more, his growling delivery and speech from the side of his mouth never changed, no matter what the public opinion polls said!
Now I'm just wondering when we'll find a candidate with enough nerve to move in with his rich uncle, take on two different kinds of aliens, beat up virtually indestructible robots, survive as the last man on earth, and then be a superhero! Maybe Will Smith should just start campaigning now as governor of