I'm not saying Erykah Badu has created her own reverse Mormonism faith. And far be it from me to say she's straight up ghetto fab' with this her third child with 3 different men but... but her own blog site fans have has come down on her and here is her response.
"How dare you disrespect the queendom... and my children and my intelligence.
Ive never been so disgusted in all of my life. There is no other place i used to enjoy more I post no where else. You guys have taken an all time low, tho.
I am an excellent mother and resent all of the negative comments and insults on my character. I put much time and thought into having and raising my children. Ive had the honors of having 2 home births and 2 wonderful partners by my side.
Every relationship i have been in was because i loved the person dearly and was dedicated to us “exclusively” for a number of years. The fathers of my children are my brothers and friends. We have a great deal of respect for one another and always will.
We love our children to no end. We took our own “vows” and continue to uphold them. And that is what that is.
Is it really “good” to stay in a relationship where both parties are unfulfilled , longing for relief , bringing one another down as a result of improper training , creating bad energy and experiences for the child to repeat ? (not to mention breeding deceit and anger and resentment )
How many of you grew up in 2 parent homes that were miserable as f**k? Or 2 parent homes that were not perfect but worked? How many grew up in one parent homes where the mother worked hard to make sure you were cared for but she wasn't quite happy? How about a home where the father was the main care giver and did the best he could -lacking nurture? How many of you have a sibling that has a different father or mother? Does he or she mean less to you? How many of you have more than 1 mother or father of your own children? How many of you had /or / are parents responsible enough to make good decisions for yourself and your children,that don't quite fit any of these descriptions? How many of you stay in unhealthy relationships for fear of going to hell?
Birth control lol … could have 10 babies instead of 2. Your opinions lack experience and are not only careless but also very uninformed and immature. Nothing is sacred here. And i see why.
If i loose you as a fan because i want to continue to have children then f**k off… who needs you ….certainly not me … kick rocks … call tyrone … pack light …. Bite me
I have defended myself here on this site and hurled a few insults .. But only in response to your insults of my music , my clothes , my lyrics , my hair , my being a woman , my spirit, my choices of partners….
And if this post is not clear kiss my placenta."
Wow Erykah, Now tell us how you really feel.