Monday, May 5, 2008

Iran, Money & Steely Dan: Who Knew?

Growing up, as now I am and will forever be a music buff. Outside of Funkadelic, Prince, Led Zeppelin and the Almon Brothers, Steely Dan was one of my favorites. Now we ain't talking about individuals, cause that would mean Al Green, Nina Simone, and Dinah Washington among a whole lot more folk would have to be included. But that’s not the point; the point is the song Peg.

The lyrics I like the most are:

It will come back to you
It will come back to you
Then the shutter falls
You see it all in 3-d
It's your favorite foreign movie

Rumor has it that Iran is about to change what they and the world have traditionally peg the price of oil on (the US Dollar) to the Euro and the Yen. In all honestly, I hope they do it while George W. Bush is in office because I would hate for it to fall in the lap of Obama (for obvious reasons) or in McCain’s (it may proffer a myocardial infarction). This makes it so clear to me as to why these political big wigs and Neo, neo cons are always at the fence throwing rocks at Iran. This will be more f**ked up to the US than anything Saddam Hussein could have done. Not to mention he was on our payroll when he poisoned the Kurds and the Iranians.

If this happens it will be on, petro dollar warfare. Talk about divide and conquer, if this happens Europe will once again be king if its unit of currency becomes the standard for the rest of the world (yet another reason why I ridiculed McCain in the previous post regarding his restricted understanding of macroeconomics).