Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Boss Working Your Last Nerve? Instead Of Quitting, How About A Little Poison In Her Coffee

Those Damn Female Bosses!

An employee at an electronics manufacturing company in Memphis, Tennessee, was recently busted after he allegedly tried to sneak just a little poison into his supervisor's morning cup of joe.

Tommy Chiu was not a happy camper and wanted revenge on Debra Rose.

Click here for a video report from MyFoxMemphis.com.

Rose told police that she had placed her coffee mug on her desk and walked out of her office. When she returned, she saw Chiu holding a baster-like object over the mug.

After the coffee was sent to a lab for analysis, it was believed to contain a substance found in paint thinner and airplane fuel. Don't you hate that?
Chiu has been charged with first-degree attempted murder. We have no idea why! Too bad he didn't have a boss like 30 Rock's Tina Fey, right Tracey Morgan?