Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Despite Shawn Chapman Holley's Best Legal Efforts, Lindsay Lohan's Gets 90 Days in The Slammer

3 Hots And A Cot For Troubled Mean Girls Star

Actress Lindsay Lohan was just sentenced to 90 days in jail for violating her probation in her DUI case, followed by a 90-day inpatient rehab program.

Judge Marsha Revel laid down the law to the troubled young starlet after deputy district attorney, Danette Meyers, told the judge that Lohan, 24, has been thumbing her nose at the court.

Besides both Meyers and Lohan's lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley being African American women, there are some other behind the scene things going on that you should be aware of.

(Go Ahead - Click The Picture)

While Holley is a former deputy public defender who then went on to become a partner at the Law Offices of Johnny Cochran, Meyers is a respected career prosecutor.

Here's an up close and personal interview with Holley:

What the mainstream media doesn't know, however, is that Meyers is rumored to be the first black and female candidate that will actually have a shot at becoming the District Attorney of Los Angeles should current DA Steve Cooley become successful in his effort to win the election for California Attorney General.

Cooley is currently running against San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, who is trying to make history herself as the first African American and female to hold the statewide office.

The last time a black and a woman ran was in the 70's, when former Congresswoman and LA County Supervisor Yvonne Braithwaite Burke was unsuccessful in her quest against former Republican governor George Deukemejian.

(Meyers, center, as President of LACBA)

Could it be a coincidence that Meyers, a felony prosecutor, high ranking member of Cooley's inner circle, and past president of the L.A. County Bar Association, was assigned to this relatively simple misdemeanor case? Especially since all indicators are that Cooley will paint Harris as being soft on crime - particularly in light of her position on the death penalty?

But we digress!

The evidence was loud and clear today -- Lindsay violated probation by failing to attend her alcohol ed classes based on the schedule set by the judge. There were lots of excuses, but ultimately they didn't fly.

The judge said there was a pattern of violations since Lindsay was placed on probation in 2007 following her plea bargain in her DUI case.

Lindsay broke down as she addressed the court, telling the judge, "I did the best I could."

Lindsay dissolved into tears when the judge imposed the sentence.

Lohan must surrender on July 20 in Judge Revel's court. Now whether she'll actually serve 90 days is another story. Everyone familiar with the legal system in California knows that for an offense such as this, defendants are serving maybe 10-20 days, if that. Here's Holley explaining how the system works:

Will the court make an example of Lohan the same way the court tried to do with Holley's former high profile clients Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, or treat her like every other person???

Stay tuned!


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