Monday, March 22, 2010

Web And Print Publication Politico Will Cover A Black President, But Won't Hire Black People!

John F. Harris, Politico editor in chief, second from left, insists Politico is not as white and male as it looked on CNN's "Reliable Sources."

What Harris is basically saying is are you going to believe him, or your lying eyes???

Editor Says Camera Shots, Reputation Mislead - Watch the video and then you decide.

CNN took viewers Sunday to an editorial meeting at Politico, the buzz-creating Web-and-print operation that launched in Washington three years ago. For many journalists of color, what was striking was not what was said but who wasn't saying it.

"Did anyone catch CNN's Reliable Sources going inside the newsroom of"

Roland S. Martin, the CNN and TV One commentator, wrote to the National Association of Black Journalists e-mail list. "It was pathetic. All white folks at the table deciding the stories to cover. Not one African American or any other minority.

"I only saw one woman, and I swear she didn't say a word. They had her sitting next to the editor, and it was clear she was window dressing," said Martin, who is secretary of the association.

Another wrote Journal-isms, "I just watched with my significant other in absolute horror on CNN that POLITICO's morning 'top editors and reporters' meeting had not ONE female or ONE person of color. POLITICO has often been referred to as one of the top and influential DC publications. How is this possible when they seem to only represent the views of white men? How can they consider themselves 'new media' when they look just like the old media?"

Harris said Politico's recruiting efforts have 'made a diversity a focus.'John F. Harris, Politico co-founder and editor in chief, says the camera shots might have been misleading and that Politico is, in fact, committed to diversity.

"We are making strides that are gratifying to me, even as I have always considered this a long-term project," he said. "We have racial diversity in most of the most important positions in our newsroom — on the White House team, on our photo team, on the copy and production desks, and on our congressional team."

However, Harris told Journal-isms, "our corporate policies don't allow me to release numerical data."

Politico launched in January 2007, continue reading...