Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Obama Staffer Turns Down Blagojevich On Senate Seat Sale

President-Elect Barack Obama claims he knew nothing of Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich desire to sell his vacated U.S. Senate Seat to the highest bidder. In fact the F.B.I. has on recorded tape Governor Blagojevich reaction to someone in the Obama camp who turned down his request for money if Obama wanted to name his own replacement. The FBI recording goes something like this, "F... Obama and F... all his people if they don't want to pay up..." So to me it is clear someone from the Obama camp was turning down Governor Blagojevich or his people who were soliciting the bribe on his behalf. But a big question should be asked. Did the Obama representative inform police or the FBI that this illegal activity was going on?

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