Sunday, December 7, 2008
Obama Appoints General Shinseki To Veterans Affairs; Continues Retribution of Bush Policies
Former Bush Chief Of Staff General Eric Shinseki, has been appointed by President-Elect Obama for the position of Seceretary Of Veterans Affairs. And like a "phoenix" he has risen again from the ashes of two wars the Bush administration has left us.
You may not remember that Shinseki was the first four-star general of Japanese-American ancestry. But what you must remember is that General Eric Shinseki, in 2003, testified to Congress that it might take several hundred thousand US troops to control Iraq after the invasion. And then was fired by the Bush Administration for telling the truth.
His estimate was dismissed by then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and President Bush who were hell bent on invading Iraq and starting a war. He was ousted from his job within months. In the end, General Shinseki was right, he was practically prophetic in the post invasion kayos that ensued because of insufficient troop levels. President George W. Bush, Vice President Chaney and Rumsfeld were wrong; so very, very wrong.
"Therefore General Shinseki was "exactly the right person" to honour returning soldiers." ...Barack Obama