Tyler 'Madea' Perry, producer of the sitcom Tyler Perry's House of Payne, who is perhaps best known as the star and creator of Diary of a Mad Black Woman, has launched his own broadband video channel.
Do your thing Black man!
According to MediaWeek, the new site and online talk show, TylerPerry.com, will feature exclusive episodes of Perry's soon-to-launch talk show, The Tyler Perry Show.
Resulting from a recent partnership between William Morris Agency, which represents Perry, and Narrowstep, a broadband technology company, Perry is banking on the new online video site/community to better connect him with his growing roster of fans.
“Part of being an artist is learning how to engage and empower my audience, my fans, with my art,” said Perry. “My art is an extension of my life. I knew I wanted to create, tailor and build an Internet TV channel as a part of that extension.”