Saturday, April 14, 2007


Misplaced Sympathy For These Privileged Males????
This is a must read. Click here.

Three White Duke University students were accused some 400 days ago of sexually assaulting a African-American college student, single mother and stripper at a private party.

Saying the lacrosse athletes were simply victims of a "tragic rush to accuse" by an overreaching district attorney, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper asserted that these defendants were completely innocent - not that there was merely not enough evidence.

"There were many points in the case where caution would have served justice better than bravado," Cooper said in a damning assessment of District Attorney Mike Nifong's handling of the sensational case. Taking over the case after Nifong was charged with ethics violations that could get him disbarred, Cooper said his investigation "led us to the conclusion that no attack occurred."

Much like the ongoing Imus controversy, this firestorm touched upon issues such as race, gender and class.

To hear Reade Seligman talk about a "tragic system of injustice" that he "never knew existed" is encouraging. For scores of disenfranchised folks wrongly accused, maybe - just maybe, these Duke students can be their voice.