"If I never acted again I couldn't care less."
Baldwin apologized for the tongue lashing where he called his kid a "rude, thoughtless little pig" and has said that he took his anger and frustration out on the wrong person because "...I'm unable, under the current dynamic, to address the other person."
We'll say it for you Alec: that other person is actress Kim Basinger, his estranged, psycho wife.
Instead of acting, Baldwin said he'll devote his time to focus on the problem of divorced parents and their children. Well, not if NBC has anything to say about it.
Given the peacock network's dismal ratings this season, former Saturday Night Live talent Tina Fey has given NBC one of its few hits with the sitcom "30 Rock." Without Baldwin, it's unlikely Fey, or God forbid, alcohol-challenged brother Tracey Morgan, could carry the show. (Tracey's plea deal here)
To read more about this story, go here.
Speaking of alcohol.... scroll and read family, scroll and read!