Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pants On The Ground? Tell 'Em Larry What Time It Is!

The "American Idol" contestant who stole the Atlanta round definitely has his pants hiked up. The guy is crazy -- like a fox!

He's 62-year-old "General" Larry Platt, whose original composition, "Pants on the Ground," had the judges, his fellow contestants (and anyone else who saw the conclusion of Wednesday night) completely in stitches.

And as it turns out, creating an instant "Idol" and Twitter sensation isn't even close to the coolet thing Platt's ever done.

As USA Today reported, Platt is an African American community activist with real cred. He participated in some of the seminal moments of the Civil Rights Movement, organizing sit-ins in the South as part of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Georgia.

Platt was beaten during the Bloody Sunday march -- led by Rev. Hosea Williams and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. -- from Selma, Ala., to Montgomery.

But for the moment, Platt is known as the old school brother who instantaneously put #pantsontheground on the Twitter trending-topic queue to the delight of millions.

And if Black men get the true message, even better!
