Thursday, September 10, 2009

Natalie Cole Comes Back Stronger, Better Than Ever!

This Is What Triumph Looks Like!

by Errol Briggs

Natalie gave more than what we could have ever imagined or prayed for last night at the beautiful Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles. Her comeback performance was out of this world. She commanded that stage like she had never been sick a day in her life.

When I tell you that I was "almost" in Heaven last night, then you can believe it.

On Wednesday September 10, 2009, the legendary singer and famous daughter of the incomparable Nat King Cole out performed Aretha, Patti, and Chaka. Natalie wore a deep purple gown for almost the entire show before changing into an equally beautiful turquoise mini gown. She brought out Kurt Carr and the Kurt Carr Singers, and she took us literally to church. She started to do the "Holy Dance" and shouted for about 5 minutes.

When you have been through what Natalie has been through, we know why Natalie danced and shouted all night. I think His name is JESUS. The man who saved her life; The man who gave her a new kidney; The man who delivered her from drug abuse; The man who is her all in all. Don't you know a little something about this man I am talking about?

I thank God for giving Natalie a new beginning, and I thank God for placing each one of you in my life. As Natalie said last night, "When you are going through something, you think you are the only one who is going through it. We all got problems in this world, so never give up and always know that if God did it for me, He will do it for you". Well spoken Natalie!

Errol Wayne is President of Errol Briggs & Associates. Check him out over on Facebook.