Sunday, July 19, 2009

Are The Rumors True That Tyler Perry's Life Is Going To The Dogs???

By Tyler Perry

I found out something about myself recently...Back in November when I got Aldo, my two-year old German Shepherd, I looked at him and he looked at me and I think we were both thinking, "What do we do now?"

I had major anxiety about taking care of a living creature for the rest of its life. The responsibility was overwhelming to me. I was like, "There is no way! I work 16 to 18 hours a day.

I'm just the kind of guy that is focused. I love what I do, and with 2 TV shows and
doing 4 movies this year I don't have time to think, let alone take care of a living creature.

That's why I'm single and have no kids. I know me, I don't want to stop what I'm doing when I'm on a roll for anything. Okay so that's a snap shot of my life.

So something comes over me one day, and I got a dog. So Aldo (that's his name...he was already named, I didn't name him,..LOL) comes and it was really strange. I know this sounds crazy but I had night sweats because I was responsible for this living thing. The anxiety was so bad I thought that I should give him to someone who had the time for a dog. So, for the first month one of the guys who works for me helped me a great deal with Aldo.

When I would go out of town he and his wife, who have two dogs of their own, would take him to their house. He would have so much fun with those dogs and I would come home and he would be back in the house with me. He'd be looking at me like, "Who are you?"

One Saturday morning the staff was off so it was just me and Aldo and I had worked late the night before. Now I'm usually up by 5:30am in themorning for my work out and have him fed and walked by 7am, but I decided to sleep in. At 7am I heard knocking at my bedroom door. I sat up in the bed knowing that I live alone. The security alarm was set and no one could be in the house. I heard it again! I got up. It was Aldo knocking on my door. I sat there shocked! This dog was knocking at my door!

He was sitting there wagging his tail looking at me like, "WHATS UP?" So, as I
went towards the bed to get my slippers to take him out, this dog, who never gets on the furniture, jumps in my bed in the spot that I was sleeping as if to say, "You're not getting back in this bed!" I was laughing so hard. I took him out, walked him and played with him. From that day on he's been my best buddy.

He has really changed my life. Even though I have help, I find myself not working long hours so that I can rush home to walk him and feed him. It's so crazy! Who knew that me, Mr. Commitment Phob, could feel like this about any living creature?

Maybe Aldo is God's way of preparing me to be a father. Who knows? When I come down the stairs in the morning he's there at the bottom of the stairs. He jumps up to hug me. It the craziest thing!

I've been dealing with a lot with my mother's illness lately, so I've had a few rough days. Aldo would come put his head on my lap and look up at me, as if to say, "It's going to be okay." I'm telling you this dog is so great. He really changed my life. Because I have to take care of him it makes me take better care of myself.

All of that to say, I didn't know that a dog could change my life. I have officially become a dog lover. I went to the humane society yesterday. I wanted to adopt a dog for him to have a companion to run and play with. I came home with three puppies, Peter, Paul and Mary (LOL). This time I may have gone a little to far (SMILE). Wish me luck.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Love Me Some Elmo, Especially After Watching This!

If Snoop Had His Way, Taxing Weed Would Already Be The Norm In Cali

Can The Golden State Smoke Its Way To Prosperity?

While everybody's favorite stoned rapper prepares to release his latest iphone application, “Snoop Dogg’s iFizzle” California lawmakers are busy pushing a bill in Sacramento that would generate nearly $1.4 billion in revenue by taxing and regulating marijuana. The State Board of Equalization report estimates marijuana retail sales would bring $990 million from a $50-per-ounce fee and $392 million in sales taxes.

Clearly West Coast politicos "don't see nothing wrong" with a little puff and swallow, but are the rest of us really trying to walk around in public with a perpetual buzz?

Apparently more Americans are getting use to the proposition, with a recent CBS News poll reporting that 41% support legalization. The question is, at what cost?

This latest attempt to tax folks into oblivion was introduced by San Francisco Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano. The bill would allow adults 21 and older to legally possess, grow and sell marijuana.

Meanwhile Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn has proposed that the council consider imposing a tax on sales of medical marijuana.Oakland voters will decide Tuesday on a medical marijuana tax.

"In this current economic crisis, we need to get creative about how we raise funds," Hahn said in a statement. "A tax on medical marijuana could enable the city to continue providing services we might otherwise have to cut."

Hahn's motion was supported by Councilman Bill Rosendahl and Republican Councilman Dennis Zine.

Advocates and opponents do agree that California is by far the country's top pot-producing state. Last year law enforcement agencies in California seized nearly 5.3 million plants.

For the record, marijuana is not completely harmless. As Atlantic Journalist Daniel Indiviglio noted, "Regular use can cause lung cancer, just like cigarettes. Sure, the latter are already legal. And what about productivity? A joint-break in the office isn't exactly going to have the same ramifications to productivity as a cigarette-break. Although snack machine profits will certainly soar."

Overall, there will be undeniable fiscal benefits for any state through taxing marijuana. Not to mention the reduced criminal caseloads, with these misdemeanors filings that accomplish nothing more than bogging down already overcrowded court dockets. Does that, however, outweigh the message it sends our children?

And is that even a legitimate argument in this bleak period where California is issuing IOU's, requiring workers take mandatory work furloughs, laying off employees, reducing wages, and essentially putting the entire region into a deepening funk?

Time will tell.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama Gives Nod To Black Woman As Next Surgeon General

With Dr. Regina Benjamin, POTUS Makes Good On Diversity Promise

President Barack Obama has selected Dr. Regina Benjamin, an Alabama family physician, as the U.S. surgeon general. Obama is to announce Benjamin as the top authority on U.S. medical matters at a Rose Garden ceremony today.

A graduate of Xavier and the Morehouse School of Medicine, expect this dynamic African American woman to be in the news on a regular basis given the pervasiveness of the global Swine Flu epidemic. She would be the second black woman to hold the post behind Dr. Jocelyn Elders, appointed by President Bill Clinton, who created controversy for her blunt and candid conversations about sex.

A biography of her by the MacArthur Foundation said Benjamin is a "rural family physician forging an inspiring model of compassionate and effective medical care in one of the most underserved regions of the United States."

It said that in 1990, she founded the Bayou La Batre Rural Health Clinic to serve the Gulf Coast fishing community of Bayou La Batre, Alabama, a village of approximately 2,500 people devastated twice in the past decade by Hurricanes Georges, in 1998, and Katrina, in 2005.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Women All Men Hate, Irrespective of Race!

Written By The Fly Guy

It’s time to officially clear the air. There seems to be this common misconception, which suggests that men have lower standards when choosing a mate. That couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, men are a lot pickier than we lead you to believe. To prove this point, I’ve decided to share “Five Types of Women That All Men Hate.” So pay close attention, and if this sounds like someone you know, then that may explain why they can’t seem to keep a man.

1. Ms. “Stick In The Mud” This woman never seems to have any fun … ever. Her idea of a good time is probably a quiet evening at home reading the encyclopedia while eating a Lean Cuisine. On top of that, she doesn’t know how to give or take a joke, since she takes herself way too seriously. Will you relax … please?

2. Ms. “No One Else”Ms. “No One Else” wants all of your free time—every single second of it. As soon as the two of you get close, she stops talking to all of her friends and expects you to do the same. Some men may reluctantly agree, but that arrangement soon grows old.

3. Ms. “Something To Prove”Ms. “Something To Prove” has always worked hard to show the world she was capable of doing anything she set her mind to. And while the entire male population applauds her strength, we get kind of tired of her reminding us about it throughout the entire date.“I’ve got a good job.”“I don’t need a man to do anything for me.”“I’ve always been independent.”“I’m going to write a book encouraging other women to be strong like me.”

Honestly, we’d rather listen to a Paula Abdul Greatest Hits album than to sit through an entire evening of that.

4. Ms. “Read My Mind”For some reason, Ms. “Read My Mind” expects her man to know exactly what she’s thinking at all times. As a result, she constantly tests him, using his responses to gauge his level of love. This type of behavior should be avoided, as very few men are interested in dealing with the constant guessing games.

5. Ms. “Chatterbox”Communication serves as the cornerstone for all serious relationships. However, some women overdo it a bit. The problem with Ms. “Chatterbox” is that she spends most of her time talking, and none of it listening. Before long, this type of woman grows even more annoying than that one drunk uncle who always tries to hit on your female friends.

The Fly Guy Moral: So now that I have outlined the five types of women that all men hate; what now? Will you continue to hold out hope that he will one day change his mind and accept you as you are? Or will you learn the art of compromise and begin addressing those personal issues that aren’t conducive to a healthy relationship? I pray you choose the latter.

To read more from the Fly Guy, visit The Fly Guy Chronicles

Thursday, July 9, 2009

California Budget Crisis Means No College For Many, Those Hardest Hit Will Likely Be Black & Latino Students


In a move to cut enrollment because of California's budget deficit, the 23-campus Cal State University system announced it will not allow students to start at the university next spring.

Cal State usually admits about 35,000 freshmen, undergraduate transfers and graduate students in the spring, officials said.

Since most students of color tend to matriculate through the Cal State system as opposed to campuses such as Berkley, UCLA, and UC Santa Barbara, this will prove to be devastating for many pursuing their educational dreams.

Making it even tougher for potential mid-year starters, the seven Cal State campuses on the quarter system or with a winter term stopped taking applications last week for first-time winter enrollment. So, any slow-moving potential applicant for the 2009-10 school year is now out of luck, except in those cases where Cal States maintain spring transfer agreements with community colleges, said spokeswoman Claudia Keith.

"We are looking at any way we can to reduce enrollment," Keith said. She said administrators hope to cut Cal State’s overall enrollment of 450,000 students by 40,000 over the next two years as a way to cope with a shortfall in state funding.

While some exceptions will be made in unique circumstances, many are not keeping their hopes up that the situation will ultimately work in their favor -- particularly with the state issuing IOU's as this devastating news was being disseminated.

Cal State system chancellor Charles B. Reed said this week he would seek an additional student fee hike of 15% to 20% for this fall on top of a 10% increase already approved. The Cal State Board of Trustees is scheduled to vote later this month on the extra fee hike and other austerity measures such as a two-day-a-month furlough plan for university employees.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rev. Al Sharpton Takes Media To Task About Michael Jackson, Ends Up Saving A Soul!

(Terrence, right, with CA Assemblyman Mike Davis)


Driving up from San Diego, Terrence was a tall, lean, young black man with God on his mind. He couldn't have a picked a better morning. It was a beautiful communion Sunday at First African Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles, California.

As the city awakened after joining with the rest of the country celebrating barbeque, family, freedom and fireworks - all the typical things associated with the 4th of July - now was the time for a different type of commemoration.

This day was particularly special to Terrence and others as they began the official mourning, and for throngs of fans a deeper level of grieving, over the still incalculable loss of music icon Michael Jackson.

Before the 10:00 AM service, it was agreed that the controversial political and civil rights social activist Reverend Al Sharpton would say a few words on Michael Jackson’s behalf. Sharpton met with First AME Pastor John Hunter, First Lady Denise Hunter, and a host of recognized community leaders in the criminal justice, legal, political, and ecumenical arenas.

While this was unfolding, a cacophony of mainstream media outlets descended south of Interstate 10 tasked with ferreting out any additional information about the legendary talent who, even in death, has seen renewed appreciation for his extraordinary talent.

Since word spread of Jackson’s death, radio airplay for songs including “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough,” Pretty Young Thing” and “Remember The Time” has increased by a staggering 1,735%.

Sales of his solo albums “Thriller” and “Off The Wall” are up an unprecedented 4,000-percent, from 10,000 copies sold the week before his death to 422,000 sold for the week that ended June 28, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

And he has caused over 1 million people across the globe to salivate over the improbable chance that they, straight from the pages of Willie Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, will be so lucky as to witness a special memorial tribute at the fortress-like Staples Center, a mere four miles away from the sanctuary that just the week prior LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa chose to be sworn into his second term in office.

The purpose of Al Sharpton’s visit to the oldest black church in the Southland was to announce the commencement of a “Love Vigil” Tuesday July 7.

This would not only take place at Staples, the adjacent Nokia Theatre and First AME, but the goal was that it would spread to countless venues around the world.

In addition, efforts had already begun to have a national day of honor along with a postage stamp to recognize the King of Pop’s significant contributions to the arts.

Not that Terrence was necessary consumed by these things taking place. Wearing a simple t-shirt, black jeans and black tennis shoes, he listened as Pastor Walt “Baby” Love schooled those in attendance about Michael Jackson’s classic “Man in The Mirror” song, played during a three minute video tribute that paid homage to the award winning entertainer’s incredible journey.

Pastor Love revealed how the acclaimed gospel family “The Winans” had actually sung back-up on the track, and that noted gospel singer Pastor Andre Crouch had arranged the song that continues to give special meaning to so many.

But then the conversation at the pulpit quickly turned to more somber news, including the murder of famed former NFL Quarterback Steve McNair, along with the heart-wrenching details of a congregation member who lost four family relatives in a fatal car accident.

Before audience members could completely absorb these tragedies, uplifting news came in the form of the FAME Assistance Program gearing up to host an inaugural, full-day school initiative over the summer for 100 kids in response to the Los Angeles Unified School District’s canceling of a majority of course studies due to massive cuts in education that continue to wreak havoc on California.

Palpable among Angelenos, the frustration over the state’s continued loss of millions of dollars while lawmakers in Sacramento try to resolve a bleak situation did not deter Terrence and others who sat in their pews and received the message being delivered by Al Sharpton.

In fact many shouted Amen as the Harlem-based pastor, never at a loss for words, thanked God for another day before describing how he first met Michael Jackson when he was only thirteen in 1969. He answered critics by detailing the numerous times he had stood by the Jackson Family before chastising the despicable way the media who, according to Sharpton, was attempting to destroy, degrade, denigrate and undermine a man who has broke every record in the history books. Or as he further noted, a genius that had to “deal with a freakish situation” in life.

By not showing the proper deference and respect for a struggling African American working family from Gary, Indiana who saw their dreams materialize, who proved to be a powerful symbol in the face of racism and discrimination, who have given so much to the world, Sharpton warned that this double standard playing out, through comparisons to the passing of Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley, had clear racial undertones.

Undeterred, he preached about how these global vigils would deal with the message, while the media would be reduced to dealing with the mess.

But it was Reverend Sharpton’s statements about praising God through trials, tribulations and suffering, no matter what a person is going through, that clearly resonated with the congregation and elicited the longest standing ovations among the many.

After the church erupted in a crescendo of praise and Sharpton turned to take his seat on the pulpit, Pastor John made a call to anyone in the sanctuary who was ready to surrender their life to a Higher Power.

From nowhere, Terrence emerged. The toothy young man from San Diego rose from where he had been stationed, made his way to the altar, and accepted God in his life.

Of course for many, this was all overshadowed by the press conference that immediately followed. Here is where a long row of cameras rolled, shutters flickered, and questions were lobbed with ferocity about the details surrounding the actual funeral for Michael Jackson, the current status of his three small children, and musings over whether if more diversity was seen in the mainstream media, would that cause the tone to be less jarring and astringent.

Those questions would linger. But for one person who decided to follow Michael Jackson’s call to take a look at them self, it was a service like no other.

I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways.
And no message would have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and make that… CHANGE!

July 5, 2009

By Kevin Ross, President & CEO 3BAAS Media Group

Friday, July 3, 2009

Congresswoman Maxine Waters Declares "EVERYBODY Is Now Paying Attention To Bloggers!"

"The blogging committee has emerged as a powerful force. We need more of you to focus on the war issue. Continue to do what you do. Corporate media is out. The New York Post was asking lobbyist to come to their event recently. The Blogosphere is what's happening. EVERYBODY is paying attention to bloggers!"
That's what Congresswoman Maxine Walters opined while speaking out about the war in Iraq, U.S. involvement in Afghanistan, health care, media and other hot political issues July 2, 2009 at Brave New Studios offices during an interview with Robert Greenwald.

Waters has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1991 for California's 35th congressional district. She sits on the Committee on the Judiciary and the subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, among others. She also co-founded and chairs the Congressional Out of Iraq Caucus and serves as a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

3BAAS Media Group's CEO Kevin Ross had a chance to speak to the Democratic House member from Los Angeles, who indicated that she wants to make her constituents benefit from the Broadband Stimulus Funds that will be available this year.

With more people receiving their news from the Internet than ever before, Brave New Studios have created a state-of-the-art media center geared toward compelling online content. At Brave New Foundation's headquarters in Culver City, California, their work includes cutting-edge video webcasting and pretaped shows seen by the online community around the world.

Since its inception in July of 2008, Brave New Studio has produced In Their Boots, This Brave Nation, Meet the Bloggers, and a series of debates about the war in Afghanistan as part of the documentary campaign, Rethink Afghanistan.

Brave New Studio is building the progressive infrastructure for the future of Internet news.

Special thanks to Our Weekly editor Kathy Williamson for facilitating the interview.