Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mr. President, Michele and Monkeys on Display At Barnes & Noble

Barnes and Noble allegedly had this as their store front display in Coral Gables, FL in the Miracle Mile Mall. So here we have President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and a book on monkeys. First the NY Post cartoon and now this? We're beyond disgusted. In this economy, surely Barnes & Noble is not trying to turn off any consumer. Or maybe not!

We here at 3BAAS think it is important that we all find a different place to buy our books. Please support a no-buy mindset and forward this post to family and friends. As one person put it, "It is so sad when you have been lied to all your life of who you are supposed to be because of the color of your skin. Some people just can't accept change. Fortunately, change will come with or without you."

Let us not be lulled into a sense of complacency due to the recent political success of President Obama. Racism still exists in this country and we have an obligation to be active on issues that simply cannot be ignored.

Boycotting Barnes and Noble will show the economic effect of people who will not tolerate racism. Let's roll.