Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Illinois Senator Roland Burris Must Resign"... The Chicago Tribune

The Chicago Tribune also said, "Mr. Roland Burris's story has more twists than the Chicago El, and none of them good." To recap: Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was indicted on federal corruption charges, including accusations that the Democratic governor wanted to sell President Obama's former Senate seat to the highest bidder, before he ultimately appointed Burris to that seat.

At the Blagojaevich impeachment trial, under oath, Burris said he had not promised Blagovich money or favors for the seat. Now it seems Burris lied or as he puts it, "not forth coming with all the details"

Monday night in Peoria, Illinois, revealed that he had three conversations with the governor's brother, Robert Blagojevich.

In them, the Democratic senator said he discussed possibly raising money for the governor before ultimately declining to do so.

Burris said he had talked to some people about holding a fundraiser but told the governor's brother shortly after Obama's election that no one was willing to donate. In a third conversation, he finally said it would be inappropriate to raise money because he was interested in the Senate appointment.

"This latest revelation makes a mockery of his professions of no quid pro quo," the Post argued on its editorial page. "It is a violation of the public trust. The people of Illinois have suffered enough. Mr. Burris should resign."

See more of the Buress article at CNNPOLITICS.COM