Friday, January 16, 2009

Wells Fargo Utah Don't Give A Damn About Martin Luther King Day

MLK Day is a national and state Holiday, period. When A bank, in this case Wells Fargo Utah, decides they are going to be open for business and not observe Martin Luther King Day they are being disrespectfully to King, His memory and all he stood for. There is only one logical reason I could possibly buy into, to work on King day and that is ...

if you are working on King Day to be off of work... for the Obama Inauguration the very next day. In the mean time here is the lame excuse Wells Fargo Utah issued.

The bank said the decision to open on the national and state holiday was made "in the interest of serving our customers when, where and how they want to be served."

"Our decision to be open on Martin Luther King Day in no way diminishes our admiration and respect for Dr. King and his accomplishments," the bank said in a news release. "Rather, it was made out of our desire to best serve our customers."

The branches will be open for regular business hours.

Tribune Staff