Louisiana Governor Won’t Seek 2nd Term, Thank God!
NEW ORLEANS, March 20 — Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, slammed by her Hurricane Katrina performance, is kicking herself to the curb. Too bad she couldn't take New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin with her.
Yeah, that's right - I said it. All of them need to go!
Dismal poll ratings showed her capturing barely a third of the vote against Republican challenger Bobby Jindal, a New Orleans congressman
Ms. Blanco, 64, never regained consciousness from the widespread consensus she was overwhelmed by the catastrophe. Dems will now likely focus on popular former State Senator John B. Breaux. The primary is Oct. 20, with a runoff if no candidate gets a majority.
Blanco's biggest failure in the public’s eyes, aside from consecutive bad hair days, was her Road Home program, set up to distribute some $7.5 billion in federal aid to homeowners. More than 115,000 people have applied for the grants, hoping to get as much as $150,000 to rebuild. Instead, only 2,300 have gained access to the money. That's a damn shame!