Nice response Tommy, but Jerome Corsi's anti-Obama book, "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality" is No. 1 on The New York Times' hardcover nonfiction best-seller list! So he's winning the battle but will...
he win the war. Winning the war would mean Barack not winning the presidency because of doubt, rumors and innuendo stirred up by this book.
Corsi also writes that Obama left much of his family background out of his autobiographies — his father's polygamy and alcoholism, his sister's birth in Indonesia and that his then-fiance Michelle accompanied him on a visit to Kenya — but the Obama campaign points out page numbers from "Dreams From My Father" where Obama discussed all those things.
In The Obama Nation— the title is a twist on the word abomination — Corsi catalogs various allegations that have haunted Obama on right-wing blogs and anonymous e-mails.
Corsi suggests, without a shred of proof, that Obama may be using drugs today. Obama has acknowledged using marijuana and cocaine as a teenager but says he quit when he went to college and hasn't used drugs since.
Corsi makes an issue of the fact that, before he quit smoking cigarettes, Obama didn't want it widely known that he smoked.

"If Obama takes pains to hide his smoking from us, what else does he take pains to hide?" Corsi asks in the book.
Corsi also dwells on Obama's mother marrying Obama's African father and later marrying someone from Indonesia — whom Corsi describes as "a second man of color to be her mate." The Obama campaign says the description is one of many examples of Corsi's "offensive language" in the book.
Ok family where do you stand? Is there enough truth in Corsi's book to stir the pot of reasonable doubt, or do we go to the Obama anti rumor site, FightTheSmears.com and accept that truth.
Source USAtoday(AP)