For those of us who grew up in Los Angeles, Engineer Bill along with Tom Hatten, Sheriff John and Skipper Frank came into our young worlds and entertained us. They also reinforced the lessons our parents taught us on how to treat one another and be respectful. They encouraged us to do well in school and read books.
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that William "Engineer Bill" Stulla died at the age of 97.
As a child, I was oblivious to the challenges of being raised in South Central Los Angeles. Being young and not considering these men were not necessarily from "our" neighborhood, I can remember never wanting to miss their shows. When I wasn't playing outside, I was watching them on television. My goal was to have fun, play, stay out of trouble (punishment was not my thing) and go to school. It was a simple existence. Layers of complexity of life came later.
To this day, as an almost 60 year old, I will play "red light" and "green light" with my grandchildren. About a month ago, I was taking care of my grandson who was ill. When I turned on one of the many cartoon stations, he selected something I had never heard of. To this day, I still don't know what it is was called.
The storyline was about two cartoon detectives trying to find another cartoon character, get this -- his name was "booger ball", that he had created and kept for years.
I was appalled. My grandson thought it was funny. I immediately turned the station and began examining the cartoons more closely until I found something that was less esthetically offensive.
I happened to mentioned the shows I saw as a kid, my grandson out respect not telling me to my face "so", but I know that look when I see it. I sighed and thought once again about the disconnect between what is funny nowadays and the things my grandchildren are learning outside the family unit.
Anyway, I don't know nor do I care about the political affiliations or social beliefs of these men. I enjoyed their shows. Period. They made we feel happy, and that memory has lasted me a lifetime.
Thank you and congratulations Engineer Bill. You've been promoted!
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that William "Engineer Bill" Stulla died at the age of 97.
As a child, I was oblivious to the challenges of being raised in South Central Los Angeles. Being young and not considering these men were not necessarily from "our" neighborhood, I can remember never wanting to miss their shows. When I wasn't playing outside, I was watching them on television. My goal was to have fun, play, stay out of trouble (punishment was not my thing) and go to school. It was a simple existence. Layers of complexity of life came later.
To this day, as an almost 60 year old, I will play "red light" and "green light" with my grandchildren. About a month ago, I was taking care of my grandson who was ill. When I turned on one of the many cartoon stations, he selected something I had never heard of. To this day, I still don't know what it is was called.
The storyline was about two cartoon detectives trying to find another cartoon character, get this -- his name was "booger ball", that he had created and kept for years.
I was appalled. My grandson thought it was funny. I immediately turned the station and began examining the cartoons more closely until I found something that was less esthetically offensive.
I happened to mentioned the shows I saw as a kid, my grandson out respect not telling me to my face "so", but I know that look when I see it. I sighed and thought once again about the disconnect between what is funny nowadays and the things my grandchildren are learning outside the family unit.
Anyway, I don't know nor do I care about the political affiliations or social beliefs of these men. I enjoyed their shows. Period. They made we feel happy, and that memory has lasted me a lifetime.
Thank you and congratulations Engineer Bill. You've been promoted!