Here is an excerpt from CNN's Jack Cafferty's segment Monday:
Obama is black, but experts believe his win in Iowa, which is almost all white and rural, shattered what many people think about black Americans in national politics.
Conservative commentator George Will suggested that the two big losers are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who Will says have an investment in the “traditional and… utterly exhausted narrative about race relations in the United States.” He says Americans are tired of so-called “identity politics”, where people are defined by things like their ethnicity and gender.
Another sign that Obama’s candidacy is something more:
Fox News reports a lot of big-time black celebrities haven’t announced their support of Obama yet, people like Spike Lee, Denzel Washington, Quincy Jones, BET Chairman and founder Robert Johnson, Motown founder Berry Gordy Jr., authors Maya Angelou [she's endorsed Hillary Clinton] and Toni Morrison, and rappers “Diddy” and “Jay Z.”
Here’s my question to you: How does Barack Obama’s success so far in the campaign change the debate about race in this country?
Continue reading message to Black folks: STOP HATIN'!!!!