Harris County DA Is Obviously Down With OPP
The man considered Texas' most powerful district attorney faced intense pressure to resign Wednesday following the release of sexually laced and racially charged messages he sent and received using his county e- mail account.
Christain Conservative Chuck Rosenthal, a Harris County district attorney who has put more people to death (yes Black people - some deserving if we're gonna keep it real) than any other prosecutor's office in the nation, was running for re-election. The unopposed Republican was sailing, that is until the release over the holidays of some, let's just say, amorous e-mails between him and his jump-off secretary.
Now if homeboy wants to get his pimp-on, so be it. Our problem with this idiot is the "Oh Hell To The Naw" comments about African-Americans. Time to go Chucky baby. C'ya, wouldn't want to be ya! Apparently we're not alone in our thinking, as a judge is now calling for his ass, er... investigation into whether sending emails on a government owned computer violated the law.
He'll be gone by February 1st. We got five on it!