But for the record, with all due respect and the pride of every soul sista' and brotha' who remembers the sexy and vivacious actress --- Rolaind Cash and the "I'm so talented I'm acting every where" --- Eric Laneuville; I AM LEGEND is just a remake of the landmark 1971 film, THE OMEGA MAN. And The Omega Man truly was revolutionary. Considering the 1970's Black Splotation movies of that time, coming just after the Watts, Detroit and Philly riots of the late 60's, and in the midst of Black Panther movement, The Omega Man had the nerve to be one of the first movies with a top draw white actor, "Charlton Heston partnered with a black love interest, the late Rosalind Cash. There is a scene in the movie where the two of them are in bed together, partial nudity, where Rosalind gets up ...
... and we see her from the side and back and she is obviously nude. I remember noting way back then'"wow what a heavenly sight.

I question just how scary can the new I AM LEGEND be given we are so "techno" in our film making now that nothing surprises us and any kind of interracial love really gets no attention. Love with an Alien? Sorry, Star Treks' Captain Kirk has turned them out already. So come on LEGEND Impress us. You don't have to be revolutionary. Just entertain us.