Is this a first? It might be a first!
Last week on CNN's 'Situation Room', there were three women, specifically three sistahs -- Republican strategist Amy Holmes, Democratic strategist Donna Brazile, and host Suzanne Malveaux -- talking about the 2008 presidential race (specifically John McCain and John Edwards) and Scooter Libby.

But in the era of Obama, could this be a peripheral consequence of us finally having our say? In an arena typically reserved for frat boys-turned-grey-haired, out ot touch White guys who act like thier opinion is gospel, is this just another racial barrier that's been knocked down?

We're going to take the high road on this one and give "old media" the benefit of the doubt. What will really impress us, however, is when this is just a common thing and we can talk about more important things... like Nicole Richie's alleged pregnancy.