I see you ING Bank, advertised on television, magazines, and newspapers ... but where is the ING Bank branch to cash my pay check, get a travelers check or run to, with cash in hand to "cover a check."
I see you ING Bank, in my mailbox with that orange envelope offering me $25.00 if I open an account, I see you on billboards and yes, I see you on your now famous park bench advertising. So where is the ING Bank branch to get that certified check, put the jewels in the safe deposit box or ask the eternal question “when will this check clear?”
Finally, where is the ING Bank branch with my most important features; like that cute Filipino teller with the great smile, the free cookies and the free espresso from your “state of the art single cup variable coffeemaker." One minute I see ING Bank the next minute I don't, but it always feels like you’re following me around. So to borrow a phrase from the film “Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid” let me ask, “Who are those guys?”
ING Bank is a "virtual" bank that only exist in cyberspace. You do all your banking online. No brick, mortar or smiling teller. You give up all this for what they have reasoned, you the consumer really want; very high interest rates and not a whole lot of fluff. How high you ask? While the typical savings account gives you 0.46% interest. ING is offering a whopping 4.5% on a regular savings.
Where the heck did they get such an idea would catch on?
Well … from you. Consumers put up with ticket less flying and Southwest Airlines surged their profits with no reserved seating. You don’t mind going to Home Depot and the grocery store and doing "self check out". You are buying from IKEA, designer furniture that you don't mind assembling yourself and paying bills online has cut your late fees in half, right?
ING Bank Direct other stats:
ING Bank Direct other stats:
The largest Internet bank with half of the $90 billion done in online banking.
- More than 5 million account holders (100-150 thousand new each month)
- No fees no minimum balances
- Live customer service here in the U.S., no voice prompt from Calcutta India
- 5 Ciber cafes in major cities if your DSL goes down.
- Reluctantly have started checking accounts
- Offers only two mortgages 5year@ 6.6% and 7year @ 6.67% (because they figure most people move or refinance in 7 years.
ING BANK - we may not see you, but we are definitely feeling you!