When black women hurt, the American family suffers. When we ignore black women's issues, we ignore an entire community. But by uplifting black women, especially those struggling hardest to keep their families together and their dreams on track, we lift up every American community.
The National Urban League's "The State of Black America 2008: In the Black Woman's Voice" comes out in the midst of troubling times. Last year's report concluded that our nation stood at a tipping point. Unfortunately, that magic moment now has blacks treading water.
Over the past 12 months, a recession, precipitated in part by the subprime mortgage debacle, falling house sales and values, and a tighter credit market, has reared its ugly head in a year of what promises to be one of the most competitive and historic presidential elections in decades.
All of this uncertainty grips us with both trepidation and excitement. Blacks stand at a crossroads... for the rest of the story read TO BE EQUAL, By Marc H. Morial Copley News Service